In 2018, ahead of the municipal elections, the Brussels-Capital Region launched a call for projects to raise awareness among young people in Brussels of the importance of voting.
Together with the Maks graphic design office, we designed and produced an awareness-raising campaign to encourage young people in Brussels to vote in the municipal elections on 14 October 2018.
Three people spoke about their motivations for taking part in the elections, in a video broadcast on social media, and posters and leaflets were distributed in the capital’s community centres and youth centres.
Each speaker spoke in one of Brussels’ three main languages – French, Dutch or English – in order to reach a foreign audience, who also have the opportunity to vote.
All of this was done to direct visitors to a bespoke website that brings together information and links on the municipal elections.
3 persons testify
of the reasons why it’s important for them to vote.
Local elections 14.10.2018
More information : stem-vote.brussels
Thanks to Ine, Fikri, Dynamic aka Douma, Café La Machine.
A project by Maks vzw with the support of the Brussels-Capital Region.